The Fertility of the Sele Plain: Cradle of Agricultural Excellence

The Fertility of the Sele Plain: Cradle of Agricultural Excellence

The Sele Plain: An Extraordinary Territory

The Sele Plain stretches along the Campania coast, benefiting from a mild, temperate climate influenced by nearby mountains and the sea. This climatic combination creates ideal conditions for agriculture, providing abundant water resources and soil rich in nutrients.

One of the secrets of this plain’s fertility is precisely the quality of the soil, which is characterized by a mix of clay, silt, and sand, ensuring perfect moisture management and excellent drainage capacity. These elements make it possible to grow leafy vegetables of the highest quality, including lettuce, rucola, and spinach, products beloved by consumers for their freshness and nutritional value.

The Role of Tradition and Innovation

If nature provides the perfect conditions, it is thanks to the knowledge of local producers that the Sele Plain has become a true agricultural excellence. Local farms, like those part of O.P. Altamura, combine traditional techniques with the latest technological innovations to ensure sustainable, high-quality production.

The use of sustainable farming practices, such as organic farming and crop rotation, is key to maintaining soil fertility over the long term. In addition, the use of advanced technologies, such as precision agriculture and innovative irrigation systems, makes it possible to reduce waste and optimize crop yields while respecting the environment.

Fresh and Genuine Products: An Added Value

Thanks to these exceptional conditions, vegetables grown in the Sele Plain stand out for their freshness and superior quality. The crisp leaves, rich flavor, and high nutritional content are just some of the characteristics that make these products, particularly in demand on both the domestic and international markets.

For companies that operate in this area, such as O.P. Altamura, the goal is to bring fresh and genuine products, grown with care and respect for nature, to the tables of consumers. Through a short and controlled supply chain, these vegetables reach the market quickly, keeping all their nutritional values intact.

The Sele Plain: Between the Amalfi Coast and the Cilento Coast.

Not only an agricultural area of great value but also a place of extraordinary natural beauty. The Piana del Sele lies halfway between two of Italy’s most famous coastlines: the Amalfi Coast and the Cilentana Coast. This privileged location, nestled among verdant hills and overlooking the sea, provides an ideal environment for growing crops, but also an enchanting landscape that attracts visitors from all over the world.


The Sele Plain represents an invaluable agricultural heritage for Italy, thanks to its fertility, the quality of its crops, and the commitment of its producers. The combination of tradition, innovation, and sustainability has made this land the cradle of excellent agriculture, where nature and human labor come together to offer fresh, healthy, and genuine products.